Ngāmotu News
8th April, 2024


President 2023/24: Wally Garrett

Secretary 2023/24: Michael Archer
Club Website: http//
Apologies for Dinner Meetings only by 12.00 Noon Day of meeting
To John Pitman: 
Club Meeting at the Auto Lodge, Monday, 8th April, 2024
Present : President, Wally Garrett; David Brownson; Geoff Harding; John Pitman; Dennis Eales; Murray Gillespie, Sally Morch,  Des Friedrich, Simon Northrop,  Majoie Hemelaar, Michael Archer, Ian Smiley, Gary Brown( 13)
Apologies Tony Bird, Jan Dempsey, Myles Derry
Guests: Mieke Verschoor (Guest Speaker), Jan Northrop, Loretta Fijn.
Grace :David Brownson
Fines were levied by Des Friedrich with "Is it fair to all concerned" Rotary 4 Way Test theme.
3 Minute Talk: Murray Gillespie
Mentioned a coffee he had with Kylie Hawker Green to talk about The Club Centenary and possible projects for The Centenary Year.  Majoie Hemelaar and Myles Derry were also present.
A Centenary video was suggested as a good way to record past achievements/social activities/ District Conferences/amusing incidents by interviewing Rotarians, former members, beneficiaries of Rotary Projects, Alumni (Student Exchange, GSE, RLYA, RYPEN, Science Forum etc), Rotoracters, Inner Wheel.
To be a Taranaki Centenary so all clubs could be involved.
The video could be shown on the Celebration night 29th June 2025.
It could be published on the Website and Facebook as a permanent accessible record.
As far as projects were concerned it was important that the club was proactively engaged, rather than reactively volunteering to organisations requests.
Members were asked to submit their preferences to Murray for Projects  (25/26) with a how, where ,what, priority analysis. Suggest by the end of April 24.
It was also suggested that TOI (Maria Ramsay), WINZ (Gloria Campbell) be contacted to find the current Community priorities.
Mieke Verschoor- Sustainable Taranaki
Introduced by John Pitman.
Mieke`is Workshop Coordinator/Facilitator for Sustainable Taranaki a not for profit organisation which has been operating in Taranaki for 23 years. TOI and NPDC (workshop sponsor) are funding sources
She's an Organic Horticulture Tutor that specialises in workshops. 
The theme of her talk was Compost.
The aim has to be keeping organic waste out of waste going into landfills. Estimated 48% of landfill weight is still organic. waste. Taranaki waste (5 years) is going to Marton even Hawera waste comes to New Plymouth to be carted to Marton. Current recycled organic waste goes to Hampton Downs to be recycled. The problem too is the Carbon footprint created.
You can never have enough compost, natural breakdown of Carbon, Nitrogen, water and air.
Carbon sources:
Cardboard (plain), free all year round stored easily, corrugated cardboard traps air and water. 
Hay- can contain seeds
Toilet rolls good for propagating seeds, contains Borax glue easily broken down
Coffee Chaff- is the dry scaly protective skin of the seed of a coffee bean and falls off during the coffee roasting process. Chaff is normally thrown out but can be used in compost for gardens..
Nitrogen Sources
Grass clippings: ensure not too clumped as it tends to heat up
Food scraps-peels cuttings
Manures- Sheep Pellets, Cow manure 
The science of composting is hard to do wrong.
Roughly a 40/60% Nitrogen/Carbon ratio
Lots of air and oxygen, water important too to get the compost fluffy
Additives- activators to speed up breakdown process
Molasses - contains sugar
Active Yeasts
Egg shells add lime
Don't add to compost:
Cooked Food- particularly meat- grease doesn't help`- attracts rats and mice, flys
Dairy products, cheeses, yoghurts
Dog and cat manure- contains parasites.
Mieke mentioned that she doesn't dig her garden just layers C/N products, water, additives loosely to make compost naturally.
Simon Northrop thanked Mieke for her illuminating educational address and making composting such an interesting subject.
From President Wally.
Jan Northrop was inducted as a member.
Welcome Jan
Community Leader for our new Rotary Community (Otaki to New Plymouth clubs)
Richard Wisneski-Marton Club
Rotary Zone 8 Conference 1-3 November- Queenstown
Salvation Army
Have requested volunteer assistance for a number of fundraising projects they are involved with.
Polio Update
YTD only 3 cases of Plio world wide- 2 in Afghanistan, 1 Pakistan
Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation have donated $20M (US) for Pakistan.
Trust Report: Des Friedrich
Washing down Flats- 6 to go - Working Bee 2nd May AM
Parting Thought :Dennis Eales
'The doors we open and close each day decide the life we lead.
May 13, 2024
Salvation Army
View entire list
Bulletin Editor
Murray Gillespie
Roster for February/March 2024
22nd April 13th May
Guest Speaker/
Business Meeting
Blue Room, New Plymouth Club
Kay Worth
Salvation Army
Greeter/Tidy Up
  Tony Bird
  Sally Morch
Wally Garrett Des Friedrich
  Jan Northrop
  Ian Smiley
3 Minute Talk
  Geoff Harding
Parting Thought
  Majoie Hemelaar
If you are unable to do the duty set out in the list above please contact another member to fill in for you. Please let President Wally know who has taken your place as he will be setting out the agenda for the night.  Apologies to John Pitman(Dinner Meetings Only)  0276693991 email: by Noon  on the day of the meeting