Ngāmotu News
22nd April, 2024
 Discussion Meeting at The New Plymouth Club


President 2023/24: Wally Garrett

Secretary 2023/24: Michael Archer
Club Website: http//
Apologies for Dinner Meetings only by 12.00 Noon Day of meeting
To John Pitman: 
Club Meeting at the NP Club, Monday, 22nd April, 2024
Present : President, Wally Garrett; David Brownson; Geoff Harding; John Pitman; Dennis Eales; Murray Gillespie, Sally Morch,  Des Friedrich, Simon Northrop,  Majoie Hemelaar, Michael Archer, Ian Smiley, Jan Northrop, Tony Bird, Jan Dempsey( 1)
Apologies Gary Brown, Sally Morch, Myles Derry
Guests: Gaylene Lines (Rotary Club of Tawa), Kay Kendall Assistant District Governor
Notes from the meeting provided by Secretary Michael Archer:
The Future of the Club - Where are are we now ?
September 2023 saw the the publication of the results of John Pitman’s questionnaire on the state on the Club. Members had, in the light of the survey, discussed “The Future of the Club”. One of the outcomes from that meeting, Wally said, was not surprisingly an intention to increase the number of members.
However, in fact the Club had gone backwards since then and, as before, the Club was not attracting non-Rotarians. As a further example the earlier move to the Auto Lodge had not resulted in the expected increase in membership – but rather the opposite.
( Although two new members had joined since that September 2023 meeting, four had left and Wally himself would be leaving at the end of June, 2024 .)
Wally then referred to the events of July 2023 that had resulted in the resignation of President Stephen Bovett from the Club. This incident had, Wally said, left some tension in the Club.
Wally continued. The Club had just one major fundraising event, the Annual Charity Golf Tournament, but the Club also needed community projects to be viable and visible.
There had been little support, for example, for helping the Cancer Society; for assisting at the Multi-ethnic Extravaganza and with the Food Bank. The tree-planting had received but mediocre support.
Even so the Club was not just about service. It was also for the members and importantly for fellowship.
Pattern of Meetings
A number of members had expressed the view that the dropping of a second meeting in the month at the Auto Lodge ( in order to reduce the cost of Rotary ) had had a detrimental effect on the life of the Club.
It was, therefore, agreed to re-instate the second meeting at the Auto Lodge and to allow at this meeting for discussion of business by Club members - a forum. 
The Club diary for the next couple of months would look like this :
Club Diary - Programme and venues for forthcoming Monday meetings :
       13th May - Club Meeting at the Auto Lodge ( Speaker: Kay Worth, Salvation Army )
       20th          - Club Meeting at the Auto Lodge : Business Meeting / Club Discussion ( an extra meeting ) 
       27th           - Vocational Visit to McCurdy Trucks, Connett Road West, Bell Block. A meal will be provided  
                            at McCurdy Trucks.
       10th June - Club Meeting at the Auto Lodge, with a speaker.
       24th          - Club Meeting at the Auto Lodge : Business meeting / Club Discussion
                                                         ( re-instatement of the second meeting per month being at the Auto Lodge)
       8th July     - Changeover Night at the Auto Lodge.
For all the meetings at the Auto Lodge a meal will be provided if required.
It was further agreed that members who plan to attend but who do not wish ( perhaps in order to save the cost ) to have a meal at the Auto Lodge must advise John Pitman accordingly. Otherwise such members will be charged for a meal. 
Advising John Pitman of planned attendance but of not having a meal will also enable the Auto Lodge to set out the appropriate number of chairs.
Members not partaking of the meal may, if they wish, arrive later ( say by 6.30pm ) in order to attend the following part of the meeting ( for example the presentation by a speaker or a members' discussion ). 
Centenary of the Club : A celebration on the weekend of the Saturday 28th/Sunday 29th June, 2025.  
                                          ( The actual Centenary date is 10th June, 2025 ) 
President-elect Murray Gillespie was looking for a suitable project with which to mark the centenary. Murray had called for ideas to be submitted to him by the end of this month ( April, 2024 ). 
Murray had received several suggestions for installations on the walkway and he would be approaching  Gareth Green, the Chief Executive of NPDC, in order to discuss what might be possible.
Jan Northrop had submitted a couple of ideas that had been circulated to members. 
Ian Smiley noted that the Rotary Clubs in Australia were much more proactive in establishing local amenities that were Rotary-badged. Nothing similar could be identified in New Plymouth apart from the Rotary Wheel affixed to a stone wall in the Sir Victor Davies Park.
Murray continued. Time was now of the essence with only fourteeen months to go to the event. The proposals received would be prioritised, costings would be obtained, ready for a final discussion and choice.
It was recognised that the the Club needed to be realistic about what it could and could not do. 
Proposal for a Student Talent Quest : David Brownson’s proposal for a suggested project for the Rotary year 2024/2025 involving local schools had been previously circulated. A major initial issue would be identifying a champion the project ( as for any project ). The idea would be discussed further on the 20th May.
Rotary District Assembly in Feilding on Saturday, 4th May, 2024
Murray Gillespie was planning to attend. In order to be permitted to vote on proposals a Club representative had to be physically present. The meeting gave its approval for Murray to vote on the Club’s behalf( particularly for the District Budget for the year @ $60/rotarian
Social Membership, a proposal for
Myles Derry was not present to introduce his paper on a proposed “Social” membership of the Club. The matter would be considered again at the Club’s meeting on the 20th May.
Murray Gillespie would, at District Assembly, seek to identify and clarify any possible issues within the Rotary framework for Myles’s proposal. Kay Kendall thought that it would not be a problem.
Rotary Local Network Possible Project – Taranaki Health Foundation
Kay Kendall outlined an opportunity for the network to fund the fitting out of a room in the new wing at the Base Hospital ( for the necessary equipment and not for the basic furniture, cupboards or curtains). There were different levels of funding available for donor recognition. 
Kay said that “New Plymouth North” was willing to donate $25,000; the “Waitara” Club $15,000; “Inner Wheel” $9,000 plus a further $6,000. “Inglewood”, however, looked to fund the local Marinoto Rest Home and the Stratford Club did not have much available by way of funds. Kay said that there would be the opportunity for individual Clubs to apply for a District Grant. There possibly be an opportunity for an application for a Global Grant if an overseas Club could be found to partner.
Donors would be permitted a plaque and there would also be donor recognition at the main entrance.
There were mixed feelings within the meeting. It was recognised that there is not sufficient funding overall for health. Ian Smiley said that there is a lack of money for the services themselves. David Brownson’s view  was that the hospital would obtain the necessary funds whether or not Rotary was involved. 
Majoie Hemelaar thought that it was a lot of money. On the other hand, it could provide good exposure for Rotary. Majoie would make enquiries within her own specialty.
Rotary District re-organisation - Rotary Community Groups. Kay Kendall reported that Richard Wishnovsky 
of the Rotary Club of Marton had been appointed to the role of Community Group Leader for our grouping.
Proposal for a Taranaki Rotary Charitable Trust. Des Friedrich tabled his paper. There were differing views as to whether or not such a new entity was required. Des Friedrich would look further into the matter and what issues there might be.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.07pm.                                                      Michael  Archer, 26th April, 2024                                                                       
May 13, 2024
Salvation Army
Jun 10, 2024
Introduction as a new member
View entire list
Bulletin Editor
Murray Gillespie
Roster for February/March 2024
13th May 20th May 29th May 10th June
Guest Speaker/
Kay Worth
Salvation Army
Business Meeting Visit to McCurdy Trucks
Majoie Hemelaar
(New Member Introduction)
Greeter/Tidy Up
Tony Bird     Dennis Eales
Sally Morch     David Brownson
Des Friedrich Wally Garrett   Sally Morch
Jan Northrop     Myles Derry
Ian Smiley     Jan Dempsey
3 Minute Talk
Geoff Harding     Jan Northrop
Parting Thought
Majoie Hemelaar     Des Friedrich
If you are unable to do the duty set out in the list above please contact another member to fill in for you. Please let President Wally know who has taken your place as he will be setting out the agenda for the night.  Apologies to John Pitman(Dinner Meetings Only)  0276693991 email: by Noon  on the day of the meeting