President 2024/25: Murray Gillespie
Secretary 2024/25: Jan Northrop
Club Website: http//
Apologies for dinner meetings by 12.00 Noon day of meeting
to John Pitman:email:
Apologies from: Simon, Jan D, Gaylene,Tony and Denis
President Murray asked David Brownson to give us his opening thoughts to start the meeting. His message revolved around “Being Prepared “.
Des then gave out the fines on a sporting theme .
RYPEN Speakers
Sally introduced two of our 9 RYPEN students who had recently been among 38 who attended the course at Mangaweka - Felicity (NPGHS) and Charlie(NPBHS). The Club had already heard from Sally and Des about how successful and enjoyable the event had been and it was now the time to hear the views of the participants.
They had clearly both enjoyed and made the most of the experience.
Felicity spoke of being outside her comfort zone but socialising and making friends who she intends to keep in touch with. She felt the course helped her grow in confidence and will always remember it both for that and the fun everyone had together over the three days
Charlie agreed and said the course had fulfilled his objectives in attending- to strengthen his self esteem and his leadership skills while having as much fun as possible. Both thanked the Club for providing the opportunity.
On behalf of the Club, Des thanked them for their comments and feedback, saying it is always
encouraging to know how much our students gain from the course.
Myles then gave the “5 Minute” talk - giving a very comprehensive update regarding the
proposed Centenary Project at Destination Play. Club members had agreed this would be an ideal subject for the Project provided that costs were acceptable and achievable and Myles had been consulting with the Council in depth to get accurate figures. He had previously circulated a detailed email of his findings and spoke to that, answering questions afterwards.
Costs are in the region of $75-95k. Specialist labour is around $25k.
He reckoned we would need $50-60k for the initial work, with the purchase of the exercise
equipment on an as and when basis.
David Brownson said it was imperative we get more people on board so the Club can survive.
He offered to head up an initiative to involve more local businesses.
Ian Smiley said it was a good opportunity to involve other clubs and organisations, make it a united project celebrating the centenary of Rotary in Taranaki.
David Brownson proposed we adopt Destination Play Stage 3 as our Centenary Project.
Myles Derry seconded. Passed unanimously.
Now the work begins…
President Murray gave a brief update on the Science School - William Hopkins has been
Next meeting will be 25 November, where we will be concentrating on the businesses who can be approached re participating in some way in the Project.
He gave his Closing Thought to conclude the meeting:
“ It’s not about having time, it’s about making time”